It's time to talk
about great work

Laureate & Professor
Sharon is an Australian Laureate Fellow, which is one of highest awards given to researchers in Australia.
Sharon’s laureate research aims to transform the quality of work so as to protect and promote worker health and well-being, unleash the development of human capability, and create agile and digitally-ready organisations.
Sharon is also a John Curtin Disinguished Professor at Curtin University.

Ambassador for Women & Mentor
A recipient of the ARC’s Kathleen Fitzpatrick Award, Sharon leads the successful Women In Research initiative designed to support female researchers.
Sharon is a dedicated mentor of junior researchers, and a recipient of the USA’s Academy of Management Organisational Behavior Division Mentoring Award.

Researcher & Author
Sharon leads the Centre for Transformative Work Design (CTWD); a research centre focusing on work design.
She has published more than 150 articles on topics such as work design, performance, proactivity, employee mental health, and organisational change.
Sharon is a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher. She is a past Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Annals, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. Sharon has attracted competitive research funding worth over $40,000,000.

As part of her leadership of the CTWD, she created the SMART work design model & co-developed the Thrive at Work initiative.
Sharon is a Chief Investigator in the Centre of Excellence in Population Aging Research and leads the 'Organisations' and the Mature Workforce' team.
Sharon is a member of the management team of Curtin’s Future of Work Institute, and a Professor in the School of Management

Sharon is a passionate public speaker who has delivered academic keynote addresses globally, and speeches at a range of industry events.
Sharon also runs leadership programs, consults, and has introduced award-winning impact programs.
Sharon is a Fellow of the US Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences.

2019 Highly Cited Researcher
#HighlyCited2019 recognizes the world's most influential researchers of the past decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in @webofscience #cited6568times

"This is the go-to handbook for research on proactivity"
(Adam Grant, The Wharton School, U Penn, Author of Originals and Give and Take)
Pioneering Researcher in
Work Psychology
Featured in The Psychology of Work and Organizations, 3rd Edition
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Australian Laureate Fellow
One of the highest awards given to researchers in Australia.
As part of her Fellowship and her ambassadorial and mentonring role, Sharon has led the Women in Research initiative.

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